INDUSTRY BENCHMARKING                    

understand marketing PERFORMANCE

The Fund Manager Marketing Benchmark tool has been developed by Hooplot Associates in close cooperation with global Asset and Wealth Management companies that want to understand how their marketing resources perform in relation to the resources of their peers. The subjects covered in the benchmark range from the level and allocation of budgets and resources to the effectiveness of campaigns and online activities. Through subscribing to the Benchmark you can answer all the following questions and gain important insights into your marketing performance and cost in comparison to those of your peers. 


Being able to evaluate your company's marketing efforts against the industry standards enables optimizing your marketing spend while taking into account your own goals and capabilities. Knowing what impact your marketing efforts have and at what cost, both absolutely as well as relative to your competitors, is crucial.


Answering this question sheds light on the actual performance of marketing, absolute and compared to peers. Based on evidence, it eliminates the elusiveness of the marketing contribution to your company's bottom line. Furthermore, it enables informed decision-making on marketing budget requests. 


Participating in the Fund Manager Marketing Benchmark helps clients to answer the question. The Benchmark measures your resources and spend vs peers in the Asset Management and  Wealth Management Industry. The Fund Manager Marketing Benchmark measures your number and allocation of FTE’s and marketing spend as well as allocation of the marketing budget versus your competitors.


what do you get?

The information is anonymized and reported in aggregate, which means names and organizations will not be associated with any of the data. Your report will disclose your own data in relation to the other participants. You will be able to see how you perform relatively to the average performers, the top performers and the bottom performers in your  category.

You will receive updated reports periodically.


The report will give insights into your performance relative to your peers in the following areas:

  • AuM  and Sales
  • Marketing team size and Allocation of resources

       Number of marketing FTE, breakdown into roles, % outsources, allocation to Retail Institutional and wholesale, support from HQ, proportion to sales headcount, prediction next 12 monthis (increase or decrease)

       Budget: total cost of marketing headcount, % allocated to HQ

  • Marketing Spend and Allocation of budgets

       Total budget marketing and business development (including events, roadshows etc)

       Allocation of budget to Retail, Institutional, Wholesale

       Allocation to countries

       Allocation to channels/media

  • The internal position and maturity of Marketing
  • Online performance

You will receive data for your own country, as well on a European level.  The country specific surveys are currently available for the UK, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands as well as Belgium.


Step 1

Please send a mail to or contact us using this form with your request to participate in the benchmark. You will be contacted by one of our consultants within 48 hours.


Step 2

You will receive an e-mail inviting you for our online benchmarking web tool which is hosted in a secured environment (SSL). A separate mail will be send to you with the login details.


Step 3

Login to the secured environment and enter your company data. Our consultants are available to guide you in this process. Depending on your preference they can come to your office or set up a conference call. After the data has been put into the web tool you can submit the survey.

To share the Industry Benchmarking, please click on the following links: