We wish you a playful 2016!

In not too long we’ll be saying farewell to the year 2015.


Looking back, cool and shocking things happened last year. Although somewhat volatile the economy is continuing to display a nice trend of recovery, real estate prices are heading north and unemployment rates are decreasing across Europe. And finally… middle class Europeans are starting to spend increasingly more.


For us, 2015 has been an exciting and good year. We were given the opportunity to deliver major projects for our clients, opened our new office in Amstelveen, launched our online benchmark tool and welcomed the talented Iina Ikonen in our team. Almost three years into existence we are fully engaged in delivering assignments. Still we managed to get our systems, processes and organisation ready to further increase our delivery. And our dream to bring accountable and decisive marketing to the Asset & Wealth Management industry and Finance is still alive and kicking. This calls for a loud hurray and some serious Champagne popping. 


While the economic and business perspectives look bright, this was also a year with plenty of developments that could easily unsettle us all. There were so many major events that make our daily troubles look trivial. Young Aylan laying on the beach of Bodrum. Face down. Paris brutally violated. And… 1500 year old history repeating itself, if you swap Visigoths, Franks and Saxons for Syrians, Kurds and Yezidis. So this year’s Christmas, we reflect on geopolitical concerns and migration worries next to the usual reflection on our hard work and the evaluation of our successes.


This year you might, when lavishly enjoying your Christmas dinner, wonder whether the glass is half empty or half full. We think we have a choice. The choice to choose our own response. We choose to live on, to stay creative, collaborative and to have a voice. In the wake of trying times we hope you join us in doing so. Especially now, it is important to stay playful and let yourself be heard. Because there are enough people that go unheard. And enough people that cannot live their lives the way they choose to. In 2016 let’s stand for what we believe in and not let this one life we have go by, silently.


Our advice to you? If you haven't yet found what you're passionate about, start searching for it. If you have, start to execute on it. Want a better relationship with someone? Start investing in it. You want a turnaround in your life? Start acting on it. Are you completely content? Shout it from the rooftops. You might inspire others.


But while we carry on, let's take a moment to reflect and respectfully commemorate the tragic events of 2015. Let us not forget.


We wish you, your family and loved ones a playful 2016!


Hooplot Associates


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